Hi guys! Welcome to my first blog post! I figured the best place to begin is at the very start of a brand new year. This is a time where everyone still tries to stick to their resolutions, ha! I wanted to focus on getting rid of things that I no longer use or things that are taking up energy that can be spent otherwise. One of the best ways to do that, is to DECLUTTER and throw out the old to make way for the new.
“If you want to change your life, move 27 things in your home.” Chinese proverb.

This old Chinese proverb helps me to shake things up whenever I feel stuck or overwhelmed and I refuse to begin my year with any of those negative feelings. So 2018 has arrived and my heart is still beating, I still have air in my lungs and I have decided to make the year go exactly how I want it to go. So when people ask me, how my year will be, my answer is easy. It's going be LEGENDARY!

I want my 2018 to bring new beginnings and new interesting positive people, new ideas, new projects, new adventures, new challenges, new stuff and loads of new fun. If you have ever decluttered, you know how therapeutic it is. Your home feels light and airy, that’s the feeling I am going for. So, in sticking to the old wise proverb, I've decided to list 27 things that I am sure we have all collected over the years and If I have not used them in the past year, out they go! I challenge you to join me and I hope that this stirs up some new energy for you and makes your 2018 an awesome year.

Old costume jewellery
Old and unused clothes
Old swimwear and underwear
Old Make-up
Dried nail polish
Cds and dvds
Old towels
Old toothbrushes and toiletries
Old or unused shoes and socks
Newspapers and magazines
Outdated electronics
Expired medication and vitamins
Expired food and sauces
Bags and purses
Receipts, mail and old paperwork
Cracked and peeling belts
Excess coffee mugs
Old pillows
Worn out sheets and bedding
Old email
Junk mail
Delete bad pictures, duplicates and screenshots
Delete old text and contacts
Delete apps you don’t use
Unsubscribe to store emails that you never shop at

Please remember that everyone deserves to be happy and healthy and that begins with you and the way you love and treat yourself. Do not underestimate the effects of declutterring. Let's make this year a great one!
For more information about the effects of clutter click here.
I'm glad this post was helpful.
Excellent way to start my year. I definitely need to lighten up!
The older you get the harder it is to let go but when you do it feels so good. So off I go to declutter. Thanks Mel
I'm so glad you found it useful! Awesome start to the year.*
If so glad you found it useful! Awesome start to the year.
I’ve started to de-clutter. I’m shredding old receipts, bills, throwing out old clothes, shoes and socks, deleted 700 emails today, emptied old vitamins but...the coffee mugs will be hard but i’ll try.
Really useful information, thank you 😊